Investor Relations

2024 Calendar

28 March 2024 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors to approve the draft financial statement and group consolidated financial statement as at 31 December 2023

29 April 2024 (first call) – Shareholders’ Meeting
02 May 2024 (second call) – Shareholders’ Meeting

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to approve the annual financial statements and present the group’s consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2023

26 September 2024 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the half-yearly financial report as at 30 June 2024.



2023 Calendar

30 March 2023 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Company’s Financial Statements as at 31 December 2022

27 April 2023 (first call) – Shareholders’ Meeting
28 April 2023 (second call) – Shareholders’ Meeting

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for the approval of the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022.

30 September 2022 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors for the approval of the half-yearly financial report as at 30 June 2023, submitted to a limited audit .

2022 Calendar

31 March 2022 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Company’s Financial Statements as at 31 December 2021.

28 April 2022 (first call) – Shareholders’ Meeting
29 April 2022 (second call) – Shareholders’ Meeting

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for the approval of the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.

30 September 2022 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors for the approval of the half-yearly financial report as at 30 June 2022, submitted to a limited audit.

2021 Calendar

29 March 2021 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Company’s Financial Statements and the Group’s Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.

29 April 2021 (first call) – Shareholders’ Meeting
30 April 2021 (second call) – Shareholders’ Meeting

Planetel’s Shareholders Meeting for the approval of the Company’s Financial Statements and presentation of the Group’s Consolidated Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.

27 September 2021 – Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors for the approval of the Consolidated Interim Financial Statements as at 30 June 2021.

2024 Press Releases





The documents in this section are available in Italian only.

Share issuer
Planetel S.p.A.

Significant shareholders


Shareholder Number of Shares Shareholding Percentage
single-member company
3,549,484 52.22%
Sitis Immobiliare S.r.l. 885,246 13.02%
Eiffel Investment Group 471,500 6.94 %
Mirko Mare 73,770 1.09%
Mercato 1,816,750 26.73 %
Totale 6,796,750 100.00%

Last update of data on 09 October 2023

Euronext Growth Advisor

Via Borgonuovo 16
20123 Milano

Disclosure obligations on Significant Shareholders

Pursuant to the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations approved and published by Borsa Italiana and subsequent amendments and additions (“Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations”), anyone holding at least 5% of any class of Planetel S.p.A. financial instruments admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan is a “Significant Shareholder”. Reaching or exceeding the thresholds percentages of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, 66.6% and 90% of the share capital, as well as falling below the aforementioned thresholds, constitute, pursuant to the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations, a “Substantial Change in Shareholding” that the Significant Shareholders must communicated to Planetel S.p.A. within 4 trading days, starting from the day on which the transaction entailing the Substantial Change in Shareholding has been completed.
The Significant Shareholder shall notify Planetel S.p.A. of:

  • the identity of the Significant Shareholders involved;
  • the date on which Planetel S.p.A. has been informed;
  • the date on which the Substantial Change in Shareholdings occurred;
  • the price, the amount and the class of the Planetel S.p.A. financial instruments involved in the transaction;
  • the nature of the transaction;the nature and the amount of the Significant Shareholder’s stake in the transaction.

To this end, each Significant Shareholder may use the communication forms (DOWNLOAD HERE) set out in the “Transparency Regulations” (as defined in the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulation) with particular regard to the information and communications due from Significant Shareholders. The said communication shall be made by registered letter with advice of receipt to be sent to the Company at its administrative offices (Treviolo (BG), via Boffalora, 4) or by PEC to the Company’s Investor Relations address [email protected]

The documents in this section are available in Italian only.

28 April 2022 – Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting



Relazione illustrativa e documentazione



31 March 2022 – Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting



Relazione illustrativa e documentazione


29 April 2021 – Ordinary Meeting



Relazione illustrativa e documentazione


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